Corazón Cicatrizado
A New Play by William C Bietsch with Original Music by Alonso Dei
A Drama in Three Acts: Hope, Despair and Healing
Between the celebration of the birth of Mexico and the return of its dead, 6 lives collide in a piñata workshop in Mexico City. They will be forever changed with unexpected pain, love, and healing as the boundaries of the human and spirit worlds blur.
Un Drama en Tres Actos: Esperanza, Desesperación y Sanación
Entre la celebración del nacimiento de México y el regreso de sus muertos, 6 vidas colisionan en un taller de piñatas en la Ciudad de México. Cambiarán para siempre con inesperado dolor, amor y saneamiento mientras los límites del mundo humano y el de los espíritus se vuelven difusos.
New Play Development
July 20, 2022. Mexico City
Advanced Preview of the fully staged play. La Gruta @Centro Cultural Helénico
December 19, 2021. Mexico City
Live-In person. Preview performance of Act 1 with Actors/Audience Talk Back.
June 9, 2021. Mexico City-Chicago
International Live-Stream and In-Person Staged Reading with limited sets and blocking from Mexico City.

Live Stream June 2021

Live Stream June 2021

Live Stream June 2021

Tech Rehearsal December 2021

Actor/Audience Talk Back December 2021

December 2021 Stage Set

Tech Rehearsal December 2021

Oscar Ruiz with his production team. Foro Lenin, December 2021

Asst. Director Berenice Zavala and Director Jozh Varela prepare for the July 2022 performance.

Gilary, Azael and Jonathan rehearse Act 1, Scene 7 for July 2022.