2019. USA. Mexico. Created to promote and produce storytelling through a flexible federation of artists from all fields. Blurring the lines of film, music, video, illustration, design, and live theatre, the focus is primarily on universal themes of love, loss, and hope. The stories are told thru a cultural and historical lens celebrating and promoting pride in the diverse tapestry of Mexican society.


Primary Projects
Short Film/Music: “Perdido” (2019); “Coyote” (2019); “Basta” (2019); “Amorentena” (In Development); “Hermoso Vaquero (2022) | Video/Music: “No Digas Que No” (2019); “Quebrado” (2020); “Corazón Sanado” (2020); “La Semana” (2020); “Avenida Mexico” (2020); “Amorentena” (2021); “Amorloquecer” (2021); “Último Beso” (2021); “Corazón Sanado Redux” (2021) ; “La Balada de Los Nahuales” (2022); “It’s Snowing in Mexico City” (2022); “Alas Rotas” (2023 in development) | Live Theatre: “Alma Salvaje” (2022-23)“Corazón Cicatrizado” (2022-2023); screenplay version: in development | Limited Series Screenplay: AZTX (In development) | Children’s Book (Spanish): “The Great Adventures of Lord Berrinchito” (In development); Short Film: Huracán (2023 Release); Feature Length Documentary: “SOY ___” (In Development); “Corazón Fracturado” (In Development).


Supported Projects

Feature Film: Poseído (2020) | Short Films: Titor (2020 in production); PLANDEMIA (2020) | Education: Summer Festival 2020 (Children’s Zoom-based pilot project for Theatre & Dance)| Radio Play: Uncle Vanya (2021 Mexico City) Out of the Box Festival Opener - Chicago Dramatists


Plays in Development


International Accolades